The duration of fillers can differ due to various factors such as the type of product, the amount injected, the area of injection, and individual metabolism. Typically, fillers can provide results lasting from 12 to 18 months. As each person is unique, we recommend scheduling an initial consultation with our registered nurse to gain a thorough understanding of your specific situation.
For accurate pricing details on our treatments, it is essential to schedule a face to face consultation with your cosmetic nurse. However, if you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us through the "contact us" option. We will gladly provide you with a price list as a point of reference.
It is highly likely that there will be bruising and swelling when a sharp object, such as a needle, is inserted into the skin. This is due to the presence of blood vessels under the skin. However, the severity of bruising can vary from person to person. While some individuals may hardly have any bruising, others may experience bruising for up to 2 weeks. The extent of bruising can be influenced by factors such as lifestyle, medications, and hormones. It is also important to note that even with the same cosmetic nurse or treatment area, bruising may only occur during some visits and not others. Therefore, it is advisable to anticipate and expect bruising and swelling, and if they do not occur, consider it a bonus. It is recommended to allow a minimum of 2 weeks before attending any significant events.
To ensure optimal results, it is recommended that you abstain from engaging in any exercise activities 24 hours before and after your treatment. Unless specifically advised by your GP for medical reasons, it is important to refrain from taking any blood thinners for a period of 1-2 weeks prior to your procedure. These blood thinners include medications such as Aspirin, Nurofen, Ibuprofen, and Voltaren, as well as alcohol, fish oils, vitamins, and hair and skin supplements. If you happen to experience bruising, it is advisable to continue avoiding these blood thinners, as they have the potential to prolong the healing process. However, taking Arnica tablets one week before and one week after your treatment can significantly reduce the risk of bruising and facilitate a faster healing process.
To achieve the best possible outcome, it is advisable to consistently apply an ice pack to the treated area over the next few days. Increasing the frequency of ice pack application can lead to even more favorable results. Moreover, taking hay fever-specific anti-histamine tablets may help in diminishing any swelling. As a precautionary measure, it is crucial to consult with your GP before proceeding with this course of action if you have any pre-existing medical conditions.
Our lip augmentation services do. All other products for adding contouring and volume have the added benefit of numbing agents for increased patient comfort. It is important to note that pain levels experienced during the procedure can vary from person to person as pain thresholds differ individually. However, the widespread acceptance and popularity of cosmetic treatments indicate that any discomfort experienced is minimal and not a significant concern.